Data & AI Maturity Assessment

The maturity assessment is a pulse meter that helps you understand where your company stands on the path to data and AI maturity - and gives you an indication of what actions you need to take to move forward. Analyzing your maturity level provides an ideal starting point for the transformation to a data-driven company.

Integrating data and artificial intelligence into existing business processes and using them for these processes is usually a complex task for companies - especially if they do not know where they are on their journey to digital transformation. It depends on how you organize data, which technologies you use and which skills you deploy - in short, how mature a company is in dealing with data and artificial intelligence.

The maturity assessment is a three-stage process that looks at your relevant stakeholders and processes. For the assessment, we use the tried-and-tested Königsweg Transformation Index developed by us, which we use to assess and objectively evaluate the most important aspects of data & AI readiness. This assesses the maturity of an organization in terms of all the skills, processes or technologies required to use data effectively. It identifies strengths, weaknesses and recommendations for improvement to achieve your goals.

  • Interviews

    Structured interviews with the relevant stakeholders & specialist departments

  • Analysis

    Evaluation of existing strategies, processes and infrastructures related to data & AI

  • Assessment

    Assessment based on objective standards using the transformation index

Bring light into a confusing world of data, processes and responsibilities: Learn where your company stands today with a maturity assessment - in order to optimally prepare for a digital transformation.

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We thank you for your interest in targeted innovation and transformation and look forward to continuing to accompany you on your journey into the digitized future.

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