
Making production more energy-efficient while remaining globally competitive - the demands on factories are constantly high. And yet the topic of Industry 4.0 offers a great opportunity to remain a driver of economic progress with the help of a digital transformation - find out what you can do.

So far, companies in this country are still exercising a certain amount of restraint when it comes to the digitization of industrial production. A lack of financial resources, IT security requirements and, last but not least, the shortage of skilled workers - the hurdles to implementing Industry 4.0 are great.

Transforming your business into a smart factory means nothing less than a culture change in manufacturing. With the help of Big Data technologies, cloud computing services and robotics, the value chain is being digitized - all key production factors are networked, and the data generated during interaction is collected and visually analyzed. Thanks to predictive maintenance, they are able to optimize and anticipate maintenance and repair. And ultimately, you generate new revenue potential with your company by creating data-based business models and offering added value for customers.

Flexible, efficient, environmentally friendly, networked, intelligent - that's how the smart factory should be. The digital transformation of your processes is the driver for optimization potential. You can increase your efficiency, make processes more transparent and reduce costs. Stay a driver of progress with your company - we accompany you on your journey into the digitalized future.

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