
As an IT decision maker, you are under pressure to meet regulatory requirements, especially in banking and finance: MaRisk, BAIT, KAIT, etc. Thanks to our diverse experience in these topics, we can guarantee you the necessary orientation.

Compliance plays a very important role for information security in your company: security standards, data protection, trade secrets and much more must generally comply with legal requirements. Violations of legal, regulatory, contractual or self-imposed obligations must be prevented. After all, violations entail penalties and reputational damage.

The respective industry regulations apply to compliance with transparency obligations: These include the minimum requirements for risk management (MaRisk), the banking supervisory requirements for IT (BAIT), and the capital market requirements for IT (KAIT). Orientation is usually provided by sector and industry standards such as ISO 27001 with frameworks for information security management systems or ISO 9001 for quality management. These offer a practicable approach for implementing legal compliance in practice.

Depending on the industry, compliance is non-negotiable - and in your eyes it never should be. Because legal compliance signals reliability and customer orientation to your target groups, it is a signal of trust and thus always a significant competitive advantage. Take advantage of our experience and let Königsweg advise you on the subject of compliance management.

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